Stellenangebot der Woche

16. Juni 2011

 Es soll die innovativste und erfolgreichste Online-Kampagne aller Zeiten werden. Klassenziel: Wiederwahl Barack Obamas zum US-Präsidenten 2012. Dafür trommelt nun Joe Rospars, Chief Digital Strategist, kräftig im Internet. Wer sich für den Once-in-a-Lifetime-Job bewerben sollte, verrät er hier:














„We need your help recruiting the folks that will wage the most innovative and effective digital campaign in history, a team that will not just surpass but demolish our fundraising, communications, and organizing goals.

That kind of work takes a lot of people — and not just people with political experience. If we’re going to transform the way campaigns are run and use every possible channel to help elect President Obama to a new term, we need fresh ideas and new talent from creative agencies, non-profits, media companies, tech startups, and anywhere else that employs people with drive, skill, and a desire to serve.

So here’s the deal: We need people from around the country to join us full-time in our headquarters in Chicago, starting ASAP and committing through November 2012 for this once-in-a-lifetime chance to use their skills to make a real difference.“

Foto: Steve Rodes

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